Criterion B is all about investigating patterns. A summary of the steps are:
• Do the maths (the steps may be given or the student needs to select their own method to achieve higher levels)
• Identify patterns (how one result ties to another)
• Write a general rule (should clearly define how any value could produce the final result)
• Check that the rule works (the result from their rule should be the same result from applying a predetermined process - normally the "do" part in step 1)
• Explain why the rule works (MYP2/3)
• Prove that the rule will always work with any value, within the boundaries of their rule (an option in MYP4/5)
Where possible, try to avoid investigating into rules that lead to standard rules or formulae (e.g. area of a triangle = base x height/2). It is possible that some students will have seen these rules before and therefore you will not be assessing their investigative skills.
Useful starting points:
Investigate yourself! You can be really creative by playing with the content and understanding delivered each lesson. Practise what you preach and inquire - what happens if…? Why? How can I guide my students to discover this?
Nrich has some great investigations which you can rewrite to work well within your unit. https://nrich.maths.org/curriculum-secondary
Games and puzzles often have lots of patterns within them which could be developed into investigations. Here are some useful websites: http://think-maths.co.uk/maths-puzzles https://www.mathsisfun.com/puzzles/, https://www.transum.org/Software/Puzzles/ , https://www.openmiddle.com/category/grade-7/the-number-system-grade-7/ (will need to be structured more to lead to a rule rather than an open investigation)
Don’t be afraid to introduce something new. As long as you clearly define anything new, and it doesn’t require any additional mathematical knowledge, this can be a really beneficial tool. Explore the enrichment section of the mathematics framework on the new maths guide.
A simple format to follow would be to have a two part assessment.
The first part will be structured, with more support at the beginning to help students spot patterns and steps given so the student only needs to apply the given investigative process. In this part ask students to predict and spot patterns. Students can develop this into a general rule (MYP2 and above) or suggest relationships which they then verify (MYP1).
The second part will require students to select their own investigative process allowing students who tackle this to aim for the higher levels (7 - 8 in MYP1 and 5 - 8 in MYP2 and above).
View this free task, complete with assessment rubric, sample student answer and marking guidelines.
For further guidance, and 10 thorough examples, you can purchase this handy e-book or the individual assessments.